I am feeling a bit contemplative tonight and overall lately.
Today I was reading "The Four Purposes of Life" by Dan Millman. This book postulates that the four purposes of life are:
1. Learning Life's Lessons
2. Finding Your Career and Calling
3. Fulfilling Your Hidden Life Path
4. Attending to This Arising Moment
I found this book to be quite insightful and not preachy at all. It was also nice because it was small, as I have the attention span of a gnat when it comes to self help type books.
One quote stood out for me "One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, one life can change the world."
I am at a spot in my life where I feel a general sense of ennui with my job and my life. When I think about what my dream job is, it is volunteering and traveling. How does one make a living out of this? I have fielded a lot of questions from friends and family who question my motives. Am I running from something? Why not just volunteer in the US? When are you going to finally settle down somewhere?
I don't have the answer, all I know is that I feel a deep sense of conviction that I am meant to make a difference. Whether is it volunteering for a camp for medically fragile children in California, or on an eco-reserve in Ecuador, the only thing that lights my fire and makes me feel truly alive is giving back. I seek to widen my knowledge base during volunteering, knowledge of humanity, and of myself. To show people and the environment that I care.
I entered the profession of occupational therapy with lofty dreams of making a difference; after I graduated my rose colored glasses were soon removed. Does this mean that I don't feel like I make a difference? No not really, but not in the way that I find meaningful.
In reading this book it has helped me to clarify what I hold true to myself and how I can live my best life. Isn't that what we are all trying to do? Live our best lives in the time that we have here.
This is why I have decided to pack my things into storage July of 2012 and embark on a 16 month journey around the world volunteering. I will be beginning in areas of the world where the people are forgotten, and end where nature is more prevalent than people.
Does this mean that I think everyone should be out there volunteering?
No, but I do think that we can inspire others through treating everyone with kindness, respect, and trying to curb that nasty elf called judgement that always sits on our shoulders.
To be noted, my elf speaks a bit loudly at times and I am working on getting him to keep it down. (:
Also if we all would refuse our straws, think of the plastic waste we could eliminate! I'm just sayin'.
So do I really think that one person can make a difference? Yes. Do you?
Clearly one person can make a difference. For a positive, look no further than Gandi. For a negative, how about George W. Bush? Unfortunately, the world has seen a lot more of the likes of Bush than Gandi, hence the shape we are in.
I have similar interests, but I find myself financially unable to break free just yet. After I pay off my credit card it's on!
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