Friday, August 5, 2011


It's Friday! Woo Hoo! At times I can't believe I have been here three weeks, it has zoomed by, but at other times it feels like three years.

This morning I prepared the final two beds for planting. Luis had the morning off as he is on night guard duty all weekend, so it was quite nice to have the garden to myself.
I also had a bit of time to fit in some punking & waaking practice.
Yes, I do crack myself up. (:

It is such a great feeling to look at the garden and the 13 beds that I prepared and planted. The arugula is already sprouting, I hope the kitchen knows what to do with it!

Salads are not your American salad here.
The picture is of my salad in Mindo last weekend. It was good, but missing something....

We had the group of six volunteers here from San Francisco this week, it was so nice having company. They were a great group, quite the mix of different backgrounds but I really enjoyed getting to know them and hearing their stories. Sad to say goodbye this afternoon, the place has returned to it's original quiet.

Tomorrow it is back to Otavalo to do a bit more shopping then spending the night in Quito. Originally I was going to go by myself but there is a solo female tourist here that wanted to come with, so we will be traveling together. I am hoping to catch a church service in Quito Sunday morning before I head back to the reserve, no preference on which type of service it is, just hoping for some peaceful music and a bit of reflection time in a pretty setting. Setting my sights on the largest cathedral in Quito, but not sure if my dress is appropriate.

Looking forward to next week, last week here! I have been thinking a lot lately about where I was a year ago, and how different I feel now, in a good way. Life has a funny way of reminding you where you have been, when you are trying to focus on where you are going.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Hi Jess,
Got the link to your Blog from Sarah C. We "met" on the UU CLF. I'm working in Ibarra. Too bad this is your last week in the area, it would have been fun to get together and share notes. Here's my project: