Monday, August 22, 2011

Sugar Cane & Sugary Drinks

Friday afternoon I hacked away at some sugar cane with a machete. I managed to do it without cutting my finger off too!

Post hacking we fed it to the monkeys, they enjoy it as much as I do. With sugar cane you simply chew on it to release the juices, then throw the fibery leftovers away.

During this I saw the LARGEST stick bug ever! Right after this picture the dalmation ate it.

in the evening a bunch of us went back to the local bar "Volcano" where I had a bit of a laugh at the drink titles and descriptions.

Whiskey sour is a whiskey shawer here.

Also apparently they boil the ingredients for a mojito. Tasted good to me!

Later that evening I admired their ingenuity and lack of safety requirements with electricity.

Note: the other end of this cord is outside in the pouring rain.

1 comment:

clayhausruminations said...

That is one big stick bug! Bad dalmatian!