Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some last week hiccups

The week began with me once again in the garden, planting the last two beds!

Very exciting. Now all of the beds have been planted, signage is up, and I can definitely say I have made a difference here. Such a good feeling.

Luis has been on night guard duty so I had the place to myself, it was very peaceful. On Tuesday one of the local employees who has always been very friendly started chatting with me as I was weeding. He inquired as to my plans this weekend, I informed him I would be spending the weekend in Quito prior to going to Puyo. The question was then thrown out as to whether we could get a beer on Saturday. I already had plans with a new friend for Saturday evening but told him we could have a coca cola in the afternoon. He kept saying "cerveza" I kept saying "Coca Cola." We agreed then he walked away. And it hit me, I think I just agreed to go on a date with him! Duh Jessica, this is South America, where people of opposite sexes are not "just friends!" I walked over to Michael and stated that I think I just agreed to go on a date which I did not want to go. Michael was of the belief that it was innocent, but the rest of the morning I had misgivings.

In the afternoon the co-managers returned from their vacation. Hooray! I was so happy to see them. I pulled the female co-manager aside that afternoon and confirmed my fears. Apparently the gentleman who asked me to meet up with him is married with children! And he hits on almost all of the volunteers! Gross! Enter:anxiety.

Thus today I have to tell him no, which is what I should have done yesterday, but I was totally caught off guard! Ugh, I hate that I am in this position period, but it is partially my own fault. You live you learn right?

Update: told him and it was no big deal. Phew.

Still having horrible stomach issues, but I know that no one wants the details so that is all I will say. (:

Yesterday I had a chocolate massage in the afternoon from the cleaning lady who is also a masseuse in her spare time. It was very exfoliating, she rubs warm chocolate on you, massages it in until it dries and flakes off. A very different massage. I still smell like chocolate.

All throughout the massage I kept thinking of the story that Michael told me the day before. He had been helping her to move the beds and underneath one of them was a bat. It was very disoriented and was flapping around the floor. She stepped on it with her flip flop and killed it. I would not mess with this lady! I took this picture this morning when she was en route to kill something else.

(Just kidding, cutting flowers for the bathroom.)

The rooms in the lodge where the volunteers sleep are not sealed at the top, thus Michael and I can hear everything that is happening in our respective rooms. The other night we were both in our beds at 8:30 and shared our favorite movies throughout the walls. I was amused when I inquired as to his thoughts on "How To Train Your Dragon." Apparently he watched it at a friends house after much drinking, as a drinking game. Whenever vikings, fire, or dragons were mentioned they had to take a shot. Thus he doesn't remember much of it. (:

Yesterday at lunch time I was able to watch on of the cooks prepare fish steamed in banana leaves.

First she barely browns the leaves to soften them up.

After that she cuts off pieces and wraps marinated tilapia in them.

Next it is time for the steamer!

Michael said it was quite good, I just took his word for it.

Today is Michael's last day here, and I only have a couple more! Trying to enjoy every moment for the time that I am here.

Today I read the following quote:
"Life is complex. Each one of us must make his own path through life. There are no self-help manuals, no formulas, no easy answers. The right road for one is the wrong road for another...The journey of life is not paved in blacktop; it is not brightly lit, and it has no road signs. It is a rocky path through the wilderness."
This quote is synonymous with how I am feeling at the moment, but I am loving the rocky path as there are lessons at every turn.

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