Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ah the return

I have returned to the United States. What a strange feeling it is to return to ones home soil. I go through the motions of everyday life, and it is almost as if Ecuador never happened.

 Yet, I feel different in my core. It is almost as if I am two people, and one of them is still in Ecuador, caught up in the mystery of self growth and reflection. The other person is living in LA, going through the routine of life. Waking up, making tea, going to work, yoga after work, walking the dogs, every day is like the one before.

Yet I really am that changed person, and trying to adjust to life in the States is a trip. Everything is so readily available here, yet with everything at our fingertips it is so easy to not think about what each item's true value is.

My school that I am at this year happens to be in a ridiculously wealthy neighborhood. It is such a strange phenomena to go from extreme poverty to extreme wealth. My mind feels like a boomerang.

I am just trying to go through the motions, because I know at some point this will seem real. I had deep thoughts shopping at my co-op. Goodness I missed it. The joy I take from shopping at a place where the products are local and organic. But when I shopped there this week in addition to having a heart attack at the price tag, something was missing.

I think life is too comfortable here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I caught the travel bug in 2009 and know exactly what you're talking about. I almost feel as if I'm living my everyday life just to get to that next adventure. Like you, going through the motions as the "true me" is still in *insert country here* exploring and getting to know some of the locals.

I think the one thing I've grown to despise here in the United States is the technological leash. Don't get me wrong, technology is wonderful but I think our everyday lives may be too consumed by it. Cell phones, computers, TV, Facebook, etc. are all electronic leashes that seem to make life a lot more difficult than it needs to be. I think one of my favorite parts of traveling is the fact that I with my own thoughts and don't have any of those electronic devices keeping me from what I want to do.

It almost feels like we, as a society, are over-complicating our lives just because we feel that's what we need to do since the rest of society does it. There's something very attractive about that simpler life and ultimately I think one would experience more happiness that way.

Ever since I started traveling, I've had this small fire inside of me that's saying I should leave the US and find a simpler way of life. As time has gone on, I've found that fire to be burning bigger & bigger. Will it every fully consume me and make me get up and move? Well, that's yet to be seen.

Until the next adventure, try and enjoy the everyday life. Perhaps there are small things you can do to simplify your life. For example, I deactivated my Facebook account and my goodness it felt good. Turns out that life still goes on despite fears that it will not. Good luck!