Monday, October 10, 2011

Come on out!

In honor of National Coming Out Day tomorrow I have a couple of thoughts to share.

I am a bisexual.

Myths about bisexuality that drive me crazy:

1. Bisexuals are just "experimenting or confused." - No. That is called "Questioning." It is offensive that people do not respect that people can be attracted to both sexes in a healthy way.

2. Bisexuals are really homosexual, they just can't admit it. - See my response to #1.

3. There is always a chance that a bisexual will leave their partner/cheat with a member of the opposite sex of their partner.-This is a myth propagated by MTV. There is just as good of a chance of a straight person cheating on their partner, so why does it have to be about gender. If a person is going to cheat, they will regardless of sexual orientation. There is no scientific evidence that bisexuals do it more.

Now I have some general comments to the straight people of the world.

When you meet me, please don't ask why I am single, and why I haven't found a husband yet? My co-worker is convinced that I need a husband and tells me so every day. I wonder what her reply will be tomorrow when I tell her, maybe what I need is a wife?

Do not assume that everyone is straight. Because you will be surprised.

If you find out one of your friends of the same gender is a bisexual, do not recoil and tell them "I could never do that." Duh that is why you are straight.

On the same vein, just because your bisexual friend is attracted to the same gender that you are, does not mean that they are attracted to you. Your friendship is still the same.

Feel free to ask questions, but think about them a little first, shoot, do that with everything.

What if we all took a few seconds to think before we spoke. And to put ourselves in others shoes. Maybe more people would feel okay to come out of the closet, because it is a dark place to be.

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