Friday, November 11, 2011

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
I know I haven't written in a while. Like maybe ever. But when I saw that Macy's is donating $1 to the Make A Wish Foundation for every letter received, I knew now was the time.

So why all the years of silence you may be wondering? Well to be honest, I am not so sure you are real. I know, low blow before I even ask for anything, but hey a lie sends you straight to the naughty list.

Speaking of lists, I think I have been pretty good this year. Organizing a volunteer event for my birthday, volunteering in Ecuador, doing beach clean ups, refusing straws, and turning lights off. All good things. Therefore I realize my list may be a bit out of your reach, but Natalie Wood received a house in the 50's, so maybe with inflation, my list is doable?

Jessica's Christmas List

1. Could please help the UN to recognize Palestine as an independent state, convince the US to restore UNESCO funding, and stop funding Israel 5+ million dollars per year? I know it is a 3-part wish, but hey, you are Santa.

2. Could you please put all of the extremist groups that are blocking aid to those starving in Somalia on the naughty list? You may have already done this, not trying to do your job or anything. Can you also please deliver food and supplies to Somalia? 2 million people starving is not okay, and I would way rather you give them food than me something shiny, sparkly, and temporary.

3. Let's talk about gay marriage. I know you don't have a seat on the senate or anything, but what if we created bumper stickers like "Santa supports everyone's right to marry." Then you just include it with all your deliveries? I think that would be a good way to spread the message.

4. How about wrapping your presents in recyclables this year? I am sure you are seeing the effects of climate change in the North Pole and may have already considered this. If you need a green expert to complete an energy audit, just let me know and I could zip on up there. Or you could send a reindeer. Your choice.

So that is my list. I know it is a bit big, but I know if anyone can do you can.

Or maybe we all can.

Best Wishes for a happy 2012


PS Hi Mrs. Claus, just wanted you to know I didn't forget about you. I know you do more than just bake cookies and sit by the fire like all the books say. (:

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